• Speaking from Character, Frame Five adds the dynamic dimensions of joy with laughter, wisdom with words, dignity with discipleship in order to develop further depth in our “Portraits.” By allowing God to fill our hearts with the biblical wisdom described in Proverbs 31:25-27, the mouths of moms and daughters will overflow, speaking from the noblest of character.
  • To further prepare each Portrait girl for embracing God’s sense of value, Frame Three Counts on Character. By investing in Proverbs 31:18-20, moms and daughters will draw valuable lessons on matters that count. From money and hospitality, missions and mercy, prayer and the poor, God’s “Portraits” find their personal value by counting on His noble character.
  • The signature sessions in the PORTRAITS of Womanhood Series are found in Frame Six. The final brushstrokes of blessing, praise, purity, and beauty will be applied from mining the truths found in Proverbs 31:28-31. The completed PORTRAITS study culminates in personalized celebrations rewarding the noble character unveiled by the Master Artist in each of His “Portraits!”
  • With splashes of bold color, God enhances each “Portrait” through the Bible Studies designed for Frame Four. Respect and relationships, fashion and fathers, closets and cleanliness are just a few of the primary topics that are creatively covered in Proverbs 31:21-24. By weaving God’s truth into the fabric of our daily lives, young women can live confidently clothed in His noble character.
  • Frame Two covers line-by-line of Proverbs 31:14-17. Each fast paced lesson builds new layers upon our personal Portraits in process. Interactive life skill lessons on cooking, serving, spiritual growth, gardening, plus exercising (body and spirit) are strong bricks adding to the framework of our heart and homes…building noble character.
  • Sale!

    PORTRAITS: All Six Frames bundle

    Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $90.00.
    Buy 5, get one free! All SIX PORTRAITS Study PDF's in one handy downloadable bundle for the price of five! That's a huge basket full of blessings.
  • This colorful series of Bible Studies applies Proverbs 31 practically to the canvas of daily life! By highlighting biblical lessons that develop life skills, relational strengths, and spiritual disciplines, PORTRAITS engages moms and daughters in the powerful yet practical pursuit of God’s heart of womanhood! From baseball caps to baking goodies, from worthiness to willingness, group and mother & daughter interactions in Frame One are all designed to draw us closer to Jesus and to one another through the study of Proverbs 31:10-13.


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