About Kim Wigginton

Kim Wigginton is a Christ follower. Married to Steve for over 35 years, they live blessed by their three grown daughters and son-in-law. With a heart for encouraging other moms and their girls, Kim is author of the Portraits Bible Study Series and founder of Heart of Womanhood Ministry. An uplifting writer and speaker, Kim enjoys creative arts and athletics, sunshine and smiles, God's Word and God's girls! She lives in Louisville, Kentucky and serves with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Heart of Womanhood, and Drawn to Him Chalk Ministries.

Teaching ThanksLiving

It’s hard to believe that we have officially turned the calendar to November, right? Thanksgiving is coming soon—but the opportunity to teach ThanksLIVING to our kiddos is for TODAY! Whether our “children” are 2 or 32, God has positioned us as “teachers” NOW to prepare the hearts of the next generation to live thankfully—all year [...]

By |2023-11-01T18:35:12+00:00November 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Becoming a Barista Mom

When they were youngins, shared stories around the dinner table or walks to neighborhood playgrounds were fun family connection points. In a sweet season with daughters who now have “nests” of their own, one of my favorite connection points is a throw back of the good ol’ days. You see, “now-a-days” Teal, Tori, Tress, and [...]

By |2023-09-01T14:55:36+00:00September 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

BeYOUtiful Summer

This summer definitely heated up. The hours and days of anticipated margins filled up during these vacation months quicker than the neighborhood swimming pool. And this momma? Well, I feel like I'm doggie paddlin' to keep my head above water---yet again! You too? Well, the more I chat with my Jesus loving sisters, it seems [...]

By |2023-08-01T12:06:18+00:00August 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Nailed it!

Last month my thoughtful husband gifted me (and our three daughters) with manicures for Valentine’s Day! Sweeter than a box of chocolates, getting our nails beautified was a special treat for the Wigginton women. Steve nailed it with one gift that fit us all. Although the ministries God has called me to enjoy with teen [...]

By |2023-04-01T09:03:47+00:00April 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Happy Heart Day 2023

I’ve always had a heart for Valentine’s Day! I remember with a big smile the excitement building the week leading up to February 14th each year. Afternoons were filled with Valentine preparation. First there was the official Valentine BOX. Before gift bags, back in my elementary era, shoeboxes with a hole cut in the top [...]

By |2023-02-01T22:50:43+00:00February 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Wonder Women of Christmas

There’s a saying that goes, “It hit me like a mac truck.” How many of you can relate to that quote this holiday season? Well, this gal certainly can---literally. Last Thursday morning as I was walking in to speak at a high school FCA, I was literally hit by an SUV! The security cameras verified [...]

By |2022-12-18T21:15:57+00:00December 18th, 2022|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

When life cracks you up!

Do you like play dough? I do. I love both the feel AND the smell of it! Yep. I'm a hands-on kinda’ girl. From finger painting to cookie dough rolling, I love forming things by hand. Guess what's super cool? God does too! Our verse today paints a vivid picture of God as our "hands on" [...]

By |2022-11-18T17:58:54+00:00November 18th, 2022|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Ladies of the Light

I’m still basking in the glow of some fall break fun with our middle daughter. God set the trees of the smoky mountains and our hearts on fire as we inhaled His breathtakingly colorful palette on bright display. In the hotel where we stayed, we slept much later than normal. Why? Because the window treatments [...]

By |2022-10-29T20:08:00+00:00October 29th, 2022|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments


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