June 2021~From the Heart Blog by Kim Wigginton
I remember with a smile one evening when our preschool daughters were playing with their box of “dress up clothes.” They excitedly walked into our family room for the first (of many) times donning white dresses and fancy “too big” shoes. Each had a white bath towel on her wee little head, held in place by a glittery plastic headband. With sparkles in their eyes and fake flowers in their hands Teal, Tori, and Tress asked their daddy and me if we would like to play. My hubby innocently replied, “Play what?” Our oldest daughter giggled and said, “Silly daddy. Can’t you see? We want to play BRIDE!” Well, for a man who grew up in a house full of boys (and who probably never thought of a wedding until he proposed to me:)) this was a whole new world.
Yes sir. As the only male in the house, my husband was a busy man when our family played “bride”! You see—he had to play the role of usher by seating all the guests (stuffed animals and dolls) as well as the role of the groomsmen escorting the bridesmaids. He played the father of the bride, the groom, and the pastor too! Whew! No wonder he chose a boy dog to help with his “wedding” duties.
With three sweet daughters, Steve quickly learned that most girls dream of their wedding day by the time they learn to say the words “I do.” We certainly didn’t need to train our three girls to desire being a bride. God designed and inspired it. When God implants this holy desire in the hearts of His girls, He then invites us as mommas the joy of partnering with His Holy Spirit in raising His brides.
So, when the sun shone bright on an old Kentucky farm last weekend and our oldest daughter stood before God and her groom—it was a dream come true. It was a moment we had prayed, planned, and prepared for—not just since the Thanksgiving engagement; it was the unveiling of God’s lifelong dream for another one of His little girls!
Our Teal had waited 29 years. There had definitely been many brokenhearted tears. There were seasons when she felt invisible. But on June 12, 2021, her dad wrapped beautiful redemptive words around that magical moment when he addressed the wedding guests saying, “For years Teal felt invisible. But today, as I was walking her down the aisle to her groom, I was the one who was invisible.” God had seen her all along. He knew her heart. Teal now thanks God for His grace-filled NOs since they saved her for His very best YES. Was Eric Teysen worth the wait? Without question. And your Father sees you and your daughters too! God has His very best YESes waiting for those who wait upon Him.
When I said “Yes” to my own handsome high school sweetheart, Steve had taken me out for a date to enjoy the newest movie Ghostbusters (that will give you a basic time range of our dating era) and a trip to Kroger for frozen pizza. Now, my husband is the most thoughtful and creative man I know. However, when it came to our marriage proposal, he confesses that he “was totally twitter-pated and lost all reasoning.” Love will do that! In short, on that June night in a Kroger parking lot in Dallas, Texas, my Steve got down on one knee. In his hand was a precious metal ring to symbolize his love for me. Although his proposal was unconventional, his love for me was undeniable. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse. And I’m so glad I said YES to being Steve’s bride for this lifetime!
But ladies, when it comes to our Jesus? When He proposed to you and me, Jesus did not get down on one knee. Instead, He hung upon a tree. And in His hands were metal nails to show His love for us, His bride. Jesus whispers lovingly to you, “If you were the only girl in the world, I would have died just for you. I’d rather die than to live eternally without you.” Now THAT, mommas and daughters, is the most romantic proposal of all time! It is one that you and I either accept or reject. We have the choice to take Christ’s nail pierced hand in marriage as His Beloved Bride.
Once Teal said “Yes” to Eric, the wedding preparations began for our engaged couple. And as Mother of the Bride, I quickly earned a new position as wedding coordinator. Together we all prayerfully lined up the venue, pastor, ceremony, attendants, reception, dresses, showers, flowers and guest list. There were personalized details that made the celebration uniquely theirs. Was the wedding perfect? No ma’am. There were sweet imperfections sprinkled throughout the weekend of ceremony and celebration. But it was glorious! God made the Barn at Twin Lakes a portal of His blessing for Eric and Teal—-and all who attended.
Beloved, the Bible is a beautiful wedding album filled with snapshots of God’s love for us from Genesis chapter 2 (first recorded union) to Revelation 19 (the wedding supper of the Lamb). Throughout scripture, weddings are a bright reflection of our heavenly calling as Christ’s Bride. Preparing for earthly weddings gives us mommas practice in preparing for the eternal celebration and relationship that awaits us. Unlike anything this world has to offer, it will be the wedding of our dreams as we are fully known and fully loved by our Eternal Groom, Jesus.
As moms of precious brides, we are not just event planners for one special day. Instead, we have the joy of preparing our daughters to be God honoring brides for grooms on this earth that reflect His love to a world seeking more than Hallmark hope. What made the Teysen’s wedding so glorious was not a picture-perfect venue, touching ceremony, or lavish reception; it was God honoring two young hearts that chose to honor Him. It was a sweet girl who prayed for her mate since her youth. A young man who searched for a Proverbs 31 woman.
That powerful chapter in God’s biblical wedding album is the largest single female portrait we have to guide and inspire us in raising His Brides. That’s why Heart of Womanhood Portraits Series spends 31 weeks studying Proverbs 31 phrase by phrase. (Check out our studies @ http://heartofwomanhood.org) By unveiling the lives of godly women in the Bible who model each principle, moms and mentors can intentionally teaching our “brides” spiritual lessons, life skills, and social disciplines that prepare each young lady to love and serve her earthly groom someday and her eternal groom forever. God’s Word unveils the glory in each of us.
After our pastor pronounced Steve and I husband and wife 36 years ago, the minister joyfully proclaimed, “You may now kiss your bride!” My casual husband turned and excitedly asked the pastor, “Is it time to bust the veil now?” (Translation: “May I lift her veil to kiss my bride?”) Well, brides, our wedding day is fast approaching. The heavenly venue is set. The divine food is catered. We have no limit as to how many we can invite. And our job as His Bride until that glorious day is simple. It’s time to bust the veil! Yes, it’s time to live unveiled radiant lives that bring glory to our Groom.
In 2 Corinthians 3 Moses spent so much time in God’s presence that the people put a veil over his face since he was so radiant. However, Paul challenges us only a few verses later that unlike Moses, as Christ’s bride,
“WE with unveiled faces should ALL brightly reflect the glory of the Lord as we are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. ” (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Did you notice the two words I capitalized in this verse? WE and ALL suggest more than one. Heart of Womanhood ministry understands that not only are YOU the Bride of Christ—- WE collectively are His glorious mate! WE are even more glorious together than we could ever be separately. That’s why our Portraits Bible Studies are intended to be interactive, multi-generational— heart groups learning together so WE can be stronger together than the sum of our parts. Radiant moms and daughters, loving marriages and families, unified churches and communities—Beloved Brides—-all reflecting the GLORY of the Lord!
So, during this wedding season, your personal invitation comes straight from the heart of your Heavenly Groom. He invites you to take His nail pierced hand and live veils busted—brightly reflecting our groom’s glory to hearts longing for His eternal love!!!
Let’s take our front row seat, rise up, and be mommas raising brides that unveil God’s glory to the world.