Who would have thought that one of our “don’t leave home without it” items in 2020 would become a face mask? What used to be our car keys or our cell phone is now a face covering too. Now, be warned, this blog is NOT intended to be a politically charged debate regarding the validity of the Corona-virus NOR to project my opinion regarding governmental mask mandates. However, the simple fact is, God has used this whole “masking of America” to unmask some truths in this momma’s heart.
First, do you remember going to your local grocery before March 2020? In those days, this mom would walk through the store and smile to those who passed my loaded cart. I did not hesitate to ask a tall stranger nearby to help me reach for a desired item on the top shelf or quickly pick up a dropped item from the floor for a busy mom of toddlers. Yes, I scurried through the stores back “in those days” with a smile on my face, with hands ready for good deeds, and a voice primed for conversations of encouragement with those I encountered in daily life.
And then— just like that—an unexpected pandemic parade began leading the way for mandated quarantines, closures…and MASKS! While the doors of schools, churches, and stores closed, I found that fear came knocking at the door of my mind and wiggled its way into my heart.
In the early months of isolation some good things did occur. I saw more parents playing outside with their kiddos. House projects were completed. Fever pitched busyness and distractions came to a screeching halt. Limitations sparked creative new ways to educate, to communicate, to minister. Yes, some good occurred. But at the same time, many unhealthy habits gained traction too. Maybe for you it was gaining the Covid-19 lbs, binge-watching Netflix, or getting to know your Amazon delivery guy personally because of excessive online purchases. Most results were a mixed bag-like gaining a renewed appreciation for schoolteachers while struggling through virtual education with our children.
For some the Corona crisis actually led to the grief of losing a loved one. But for even more, the most dangerous result was a loss of identity. It was a subtle slow fade for this momma. My less frequent trips to the grocery store revealed a fear factor. I discovered that while I feared for my life and the lives of others, I was slowly losing the abundant life Jesus died to give me. I stayed healthy in body but was becoming sickly in my soul.
One trip to my neighborhood Walmart revealed this sad reality. As I was self-checking my purchases and sanitizing my cart, I saw my reflection in the checkout camera and realized—I had stopped smiling. I had stopped talking. I had lost my smile, my joy, my voice. I was slowing allowing my identity to fade behind a mask. And perhaps worse? I even found myself fearful of those around me.
Later that day, one of my daughters sent an article to me which included this quote:
“2,300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouth broke their will and individuality. It de-personalized them. It made them submissive. That’s why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of fabric over her face as a symbol of submission to their owner, their husband, or their king.
Modern psychology explains that without face we don’t exist as independent beings. The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. Masks can be the beginning of deleting individuality. Be warned: (S)he who does not know history is condemned to repeat it.”
It was the unveiled truth from this article that this mom needed. I needed divine CPR to resuscitate my slow fade. While adhering to imposed CDC guidelines to fight a virus I must simultaneously double down to spiritually fight for and not let my God given identity in be eroded in the process. I loaded my groceries resolved to fortify my own Christ confidence along with our daughters and sisters like YOU!
2 Corinthians 3:12-18 unveils God’s truth for living as His un-masked moms and daughters:
12 Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so the people of Israel would not see the glory, even though it was destined to fade away. 14 But the people’s minds were hardened, and to this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ.
16 But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”
So, how can we follow God’s CDC (Christ Determined Confidence) Guidelines during this pandemic? Here are three of His rules that will increase your freedom and fuel your faith versus fear.
Let God unveil (un-mask) more of His truth to you and your daughters through increased intentional time in His Presence and His Word. These verses from 2 Corinthians refer to Moses spending extended “face time” with God Himself. As a result, Moses was so radiant that a veil was placed over his face until the glory faded. Heart of Womanhood Bible Studies encourage increased “face time” between moms and daughters and Jesus. These resources are designed to unveil the powerful identity God has granted us as His glorious Portraits. Unlike Moses, we must not stay veiled or let His glory fade. So, check out these studies today.
Live confident, bold, unveiled lives “by believing in Christ” and “turning to the Lord.” Jesus knows what it is like to wear a mask, dear sisters. Yes, Jesus had a veil (a mask) laid upon His face when they placed His dead body in the tomb. But praise God, three days later, the power of God’s Spirit rolled the stone away and removed His mask (veil) so that in 2020 we can live in freedom, with His same Holy Spirit infusing us with boldness and confidence!
Love gloriously unveiled—regardless of earthly restrictions. At the end of our wedding ceremony (35 years ago), when the minister told my casual, athletic husband that he could kiss his bride, Steve excitedly asked, “May I bust the veil now?” Sisters, as the bride of Jesus Christ, it is time to “bust the veil” and love gloriously! These are “Revelation times.” Don’t you sense that the truths of the final book of God’s Word are unfolding before our very eyes? Yes, our heavenly groom may be returning to get us very soon. The word “revelation” actually means: to reveal, to unveil, to un-mask. As revelation women, the Holy Spirit desires to empower us to love powerfully un-masked with lives that reflect His glory in a world shrouded with fear and doubt.
We may not have a choice whether to wear an external mask right now. But I choose to defy the spiritual forces who “masquerade as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) seeking to suppress my internal confident identity in Christ. In a spiritual sense, moms and daughters, will you join me in wielding our spiritual freedom to live “veils busted” brightly reflecting the glory of our Lord?
Yes ma’am. As I grab my grocery cart these days, I may still have a mask on, but now I am smiling. (I think that others can see my eyes smile, don’t you?) Plus, I have resolved to speak even more boldly with those I encounter to compensate for the mask. And with each word and masked smile? I sense that I am reclaiming my God confidence! And by speaking His words of life to others as I pass their way? Well, this momma believes that God is unveiling His glorious identity in them too.
From the Heart,
Kim Wigginton~An Un-Masked Momma
P.S. Here is a glorious prayer written by Rev. Richard Bott:
A Prayer for Putting on a Face Mask
Creator God, as I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacramental nature of wearing this cloth.
Let it be a tangible and visible way of living love for my neighbors, as I love myself.
Christ Jesus, since my lips will be covered, uncover my heart, that people would see my smile in the crinkles around my eyes.
Since my voice may be muffled, help me to speak clearly, not only with my word, but with my actions.
Holy Spirit, as the elastic touches my ears, remind me to listen carefully and caring-ly to all those I meet.
May this simple piece of cloth be shield and banner, and may each breath that it holds, be filled with Your love.
In Your name and in that love, I pray.