Fear Not, Momma!

By |2024-02-06T19:37:43+00:00February 6th, 2024|Heart of Womanhood|

Our guest writer this month, Lisa Preuett, is a mom who understands life's hard. She knows what it's like to be a single mom, a mom of a prodigal, but most importantly she is a mom who has lived to trust and see God's redemption. She is a mom who has learned to live by [...]

Visionary Moms

By |2024-01-01T17:18:07+00:00January 1st, 2024|Heart of Womanhood|

I was 35,000 feet up in the air when it happened the first time. While flying to speak at a church my gaze shifted from the clouds around the aircraft to the open Bible in my lap. As I began to review the passage for the “Chalk Talk” that night, I noticed that God’s Word [...]

Are you a Christmas card person?

By |2023-12-01T13:43:22+00:00December 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

The Wiggintons are Christmas card people. We like to send Christmas cards. We like to receive Christmas cards. We’ve always been Christmas card people. When I said “I Do” to my husband in 1985, I said “I do” to many things! One desire my husband made perfectly clear during our engagement was that he’d like [...]

Teaching ThanksLiving

By |2023-11-01T18:35:12+00:00November 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

It’s hard to believe that we have officially turned the calendar to November, right? Thanksgiving is coming soon—but the opportunity to teach ThanksLIVING to our kiddos is for TODAY! Whether our “children” are 2 or 32, God has positioned us as “teachers” NOW to prepare the hearts of the next generation to live thankfully—all year [...]


By |2023-10-05T23:03:00+00:00October 2nd, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

I am a biological mom of three amazing daughters. But over the years I have been a spiritual momma of many! As an inter-generational ministry, Heart of Womanhood Bible Studies are designed to encourage and equip us as mothers (and grandmothers) to lead our daughters in creative biblical discipleship in our homes. In our families. [...]

Becoming a Barista Mom

By |2023-09-01T14:55:36+00:00September 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

When they were youngins, shared stories around the dinner table or walks to neighborhood playgrounds were fun family connection points. In a sweet season with daughters who now have “nests” of their own, one of my favorite connection points is a throw back of the good ol’ days. You see, “now-a-days” Teal, Tori, Tress, and [...]

BeYOUtiful Summer

By |2023-08-01T12:06:18+00:00August 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

This summer definitely heated up. The hours and days of anticipated margins filled up during these vacation months quicker than the neighborhood swimming pool. And this momma? Well, I feel like I'm doggie paddlin' to keep my head above water---yet again! You too? Well, the more I chat with my Jesus loving sisters, it seems [...]

Looking Back…

By |2023-07-01T16:11:24+00:00July 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

Each summer we look forward to more margins and more family time, right? This season also offers most of us needed moments of reflection---of looking back. July's Heart of Womanhood blog is written by a seasoned momma who looks back so her Heavenly Father can give her His perspective to live forward as a confident [...]

Raising Daddy’s Girls

By |2023-06-01T13:22:31+00:00June 1st, 2023|Heart of Womanhood|

I am most definitely a Daddy’s girl! Yep. Always have been. He’s my favorite dad. I’m his favorite girl. Okay. So, I’m His ONLY girl. But the fact still remains: I am so proud to be my Daddy’s girl—the proud daughter of Ken Snider!  […]


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