About Kim Wigginton

Kim Wigginton is a Christ follower. Married to Steve for over 35 years, they live blessed by their three grown daughters and son-in-law. With a heart for encouraging other moms and their girls, Kim is author of the Portraits Bible Study Series and founder of Heart of Womanhood Ministry. An uplifting writer and speaker, Kim enjoys creative arts and athletics, sunshine and smiles, God's Word and God's girls! She lives in Louisville, Kentucky and serves with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Heart of Womanhood, and Drawn to Him Chalk Ministries.

Becoming a Barista Mom

Wednesday mornings are wonderful. It’s my weekly coffee date with Papa. Our family’s golden doodle (named “Sport”) excitedly joins us as we walk to our local Starbucks for an hour of good coffee and good conversation. Each time we open the door to our neighborhood coffee shop, the fresh ground scent reminds us that somethin’ [...]

By |2019-07-22T15:51:59+00:00October 16th, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Leave it behind you!

It happened in the Holiday Inn at Sandusky, Ohio. Last month we enjoyed a fun “family weekend” visiting our youngest daughter on Lake Erie–where 100+ college students were involved in a summer project with Campus Outreach. All too soon, it was time to say our good-byes, pack up our belongings, and travel back to our [...]

By |2019-07-22T15:51:29+00:00August 14th, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Preparing for our children’s “Independence Days”

Every 4thof July morning, our ordinary collection of middle-class houses becomes an extraordinary celebration of family and freedom with our neighborhood parade. (Note: We were even featured in Family Fun magazine as one of the Most Fun Neighborhoods in the USA several years ago! That’s how fun our neighbors are!) To prepare for Independence Day, [...]

By |2019-07-22T15:51:07+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Becoming green thumb girls

It’s “green week” in Kentucky! Although I believe in recycling, the “green week” I’m referring to highlights the sprouting of trees rather than the saving of them. These are the days when you peer out your window to see the bare brown trees and bushes that are now bursting with green leaves. The redbuds, dogwoods, [...]

By |2019-07-22T15:49:02+00:00May 8th, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

Targeted parenting

April brings celebrations of new life on many levels at the Wigginton home. We celebrate our new life in Christ through Easter traditions. We celebrate new life as we see the trees and flowers blooming as spring arrives. But in our house we also have several April birthdays to commemorate! So whether it’s purchasing supplies [...]

By |2019-07-22T15:48:39+00:00April 17th, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

State of the heart: Art

The Heart of Womanhood Ministry is drawn from Ephesians 2:10 which paints a personalized picture of how God views YOU saying, “You are God’s work of ART, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for you to do.”   […]

By |2019-07-22T15:47:50+00:00February 24th, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments

State of the heart: Application

Set apart from the bookstore shelves filled with Bible studies that are heavy on theology but light on practicality, the heart of this ministry is to design creative “state of the art” resources to put feet to our faith, hands-on projects that weave biblical principles into our everyday lives. […]

By |2019-07-22T15:47:17+00:00February 23rd, 2018|Heart of Womanhood|0 Comments


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